Selasa, 10 Desember 2019

Hi everyone! Now is December! Month of December many people to celebrate Christmas.
Do you know abou the picture? If you want to know stay in here.
            The Christmas mood was not one of those beautiful ornaments. One of them is Christmas tree,
Christmas tree usually made of special plastic that is made up of native trees and decorated with lamps and other decorations. Now as young people,We must do a new creation. Then,we can make a Chrsitmas tree from rubbish mineral water bottles. The result not that much different than those sold at store,even more unique with home made. Now I want to give you information to do that.
  • 10 or more green plastic bottles
  • scissors/cutter
  • hot glue
  • mini star
  • series lights
  • long stick
  • Note: Think first and decide on how tall your Christmas tree will be to determine the number of plastic bottles you are going to collect and the length of your stick.
    1. Start by removing the bottom of each plastic bottle.
    2. Cut them into different sizes. 1 bottle should be shorter than the other. This is to emphasize the shape of the tree.
    3. Then cut each bottle into thin strips from the bottom to top.
    4. Press or pull down the strips. It should look like this.
    5. Glue two bottle bottoms together. This is the base or the stand.
    6. The stick I'm using is a balloon stick. 
    7. Let it stand into the center of the base and secure with glue.
    8. Stack the layers of plastic bottle strips. Start with the biggest/widest strips and going up is the smaller ones. Secure each layer with hot glue.
    9. Put a star on top.
    10. Just add in some lights and you're done!

      You can to do that,Good luck and Enjoy! I hope this can help you to make your Christmas day is bright.